60 year old female with epidermoid cyst

This is an onlin E log book to discuss our patients de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian signed informed consent . Here we discuss Our individual patients problems through Series of inputs From available global online Community of experts with an aim to solve those patients Clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs . This E log book  also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comments .

A 60 year old female came with the chief complaint of mass over perianal region since 6 months

History of present illness 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 months back then she developed the small swelling of size 1×2 cm of insidious onset and slowly proffused to present size of 3×3 cm not associated with pain fever and vomiting constipation burning sensation 

History of past illness

No history of similar complaints either pain 
No know history of hypertension , DM , asthma , epilepsy , CAD , CVA .

Physical examination 

Treatment history - No diabetes , hypertension , asthma , TB , antibiotics , hormones , chemo/ radiation , blood transfusion , surgeries .

Personal history 
Appetite - normal 
Diet - mixed 
Bowel - regular
Micturition - normal

No know allergies and habits .

Systemic examination 


Shape of abdomen - scaphoid 
No tenderness , palpable mass , free fluid , bruits 
Hernial orifices normal
Liver and spleen not palpable
Bowel sounds yes 


Conscious , normal speech , no neck stiffness , no kernings sign 

Provisional diagnosis 

Epidermoid cyst 


Tab pan od 
Tab mvt.    od 
Tab chymoralfort po tid 
Tab vitc po od
T.Taxime po bd 

Excision was done and sent for biopsy 

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